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Albany Times Union piece on Ben and The Ben Rowe Project

Mom, friends play music forward in wake of Ben Rowe's death”

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Ben’s favorite albums, 2023 releases

Compiled by friends of Ben’s in keeping with their yearly tradition on Rateyourmusic ❤️

  • The conductor, she cries, the boatman, he calls

    The midnight, it whispers: “the light,” it recalls

    The black metal tracks without flint without spark

    The still of the bay finds a home in the dark

    The ghetto, my ghetto, beloved from old days

    Its innocence locked in a halcyon haze

    The street’s muffled voices secure and serene

    Deadbolted, protected, inflected, eighteen

    And on the fifth night, the prophet, at rest

    His rigor completed, forever, be blessed

    The view from his window, his just-rented bounty

    Yet, there alone, like a lineman for the county

    While Rob, faraway, counts his breaths down from twenty

    Disturbed by his day but distracted aplenty

    Relief like a skiff peaking on the horizon

    While he gets his rest and remains none the wizened

    The prophet, awakened, for his task incomplete

    —on a night such as this, in such pale, stark relief—

    Sees a butcher and baker meet a candlestick maker

    A man rich and poor meet a beggarman thief

    The world gets so quiet before an explosion

    As time moves so slow/quick through tragic implosion

    No radiant wonder, a sluice stands undone

    At the bend of bay that starts in this riverrun

    And now, to the prophet, sent here for this reason

    To shepherd, such kindness amidst all the treason

    He cradles, he presses, breathes life into light

    As an echo of sirens starts slicing the night

    *** *** ***

    Awakened, he fights off the sense of distress

    Which waits for no man and stalks him regardless

    With news so impure it metes out only pain

    A fathomless instance, a loss for no gain

    What do you do in possession of news

    That makes you believe there’s a chance you could lose

    Any tender grip on some small piece of a whole

    That’s been spinning for ages yet out of control

    What do you do? What do you do?

    What do you do? What do you do?

    You lay where you’re leveled, in grief unreserved

    You lay where you’re leveled, for that’s what’s deserved

    Imagine a heat that can leave a land dried

    Undoing your sense and your will from inside

    We hundreds, we linger, no mirage or seascape

    We vanquished crawl slowly, no thought of escape

    Yet, gravity pulls us, compelled to a space

    Where rain unrelenting feels so commonplace

    Through shock we use hugs, vacant stares and walk aimless

    From there through a vigil to honor the blameless

    In death’s harshest moments, emerges a grace

    To raise up a spirit who can’t be replaced

    We prayed and were grateful, we drank, and we moshed

    Were soaked by a rain that left none of us washed

    Or cleansed by some knowledge of purpose or reasons

    Or permitted some thoughts of life’s twists, turns or seasons

    Too tired to seek meaning beyond poor remembrance

    All vaguely recognized through haunting resemblance

    *** *** ***

    What am I to do, through these whispering days

    Collecting each hour in silent malaise

    My fellows regard me with fear and warm lenience

    My desperate impatience be damned: inconvenience

    I’ve come all this way without citing the light

    Extinguished so bluntly in terror, in plight

    To speak of my love is to understate depth

    And joy and respect, and compassion and breadth

    We take all he had, all he was, wrote and said

    We divide but are conquered by sadness, by dread

    These memories make up a cavernous fill

    A beam is cut jagged, a luminous till

    The driver at midnight, the miles they accrue

    In daze he’s enveloped by evening’s new hue

    Is startled and angered and pivots with fears

    The lane he’d been riding in just disappears

    The road never taken, nor followed, nor seen

    It veers into mysteries, humbled, between

    The minutes and moments, the instants collide

    And rend from us logic, attention and pride

    So where did you go, I stayed straight, you went, left

    I saw nothing happen, as if through some theft

    Where will I find you? Go fast or go slow?

    You head to some place only emigrants know

    In vanishings I reach to lost explanation

    Go wish me luck…I stumble toward inspiration

    To lessen a chasm remarkably huge

    By chance I am drawn to the lessons of Scrooge

    Brought forth by his partner before his descent

    At a window Scrooge asks, “Why do they lament?”

    Marley says of the ghosts, chained and cloaked in their woe

    By the homeless young mother cradling babe in the snow

    “They seek to interfere for good in human matters,

    And have lost their power forever.” It shatters

    The miser who sees his own fate now foretold

    Unless he reverses before he’s too old

    “Why show me this if I can’t be reformed?”

    He will say after nightmares have left him transformed

    We glee as he giggles and stands on his head

    Traverses his ills and is saved from the dead

    I think of that end as I drive town to town

    The Pogues, with tin whistles and uilleann pipes drown

    While sweet Cait O’Riordan at bass has her say

    With vocals on "I'm a Man You Don't Meet Every Day"

    Those Christmas Ghosts tarried and worked like the dickens

    The Scrooge reclamation complete; the plot thickens

    For me, facing humankind’s bitter imposts

    And ever-regretful un-tombed Marley’s ghosts

    Why show me this unless there is something named

    To honor a boy whose compassion was famed?

    Be kind to your fellows, embrace and embody

    The spirit of light as you inch toward samadhi

    The dark metal tracks: must I leave bitterness there?

    And grip with all my might to the St. Francis Prayer?

    “Lord, make me a channel of thy peace;”

    And let me keep at it til my life doth cease

Jake Edelstein reviews of Ben’s albums. Episode 1: Fats Domino

Episode 2: Systems

Beasteliaphiliac, 12/30/2023 at The Benefit for RJ Fyvie ❤️

Jake Edelstein

Benefit Concert 1/28/24 at Caffe Lena, to raise awareness about gun violence and March For Our Lives

Dan Shapiro

BGCCA Stop The Violence Rally 11/10/23 - Performance art and tribute to Ben

Brianna Nugent-Hill